Hi there! I am a human-computer interaction (HCI) researcher specializing in usable privacy and security. As privacy and security technologies advance, they often prioritize automation. This leaves users passively accepting protection measures they neither fully understand nor can verify. I believe that user autonomy should be fundamental to privacy and security management in today’s complex cyberspace, with technology as a supporting tool. My research advances user autonomy principles through three core pillars: 1) designing evidence-based digital safety educational games, 2) developing human-centered defenses against AI-enabled threats, and 3) enabling informed decisions with appropriate AI support. My research has been published in leading venues including ACM CHI, IEEE S&P, and Information Sciences.
I am a postdoc in the Computer Science Department at Virginia Tech, working with Prof. Yaxing Yao. I am fortunate to have worked as a postdoc at HKUST VIS Lab, following my Ph.D. in computer science from Cornell University (2021). Before that, I recieved my joint first-class honours bachelor degrees in computer science from University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K. and BUCT, Beijing, China.
🔥 News
- 2025.03: 🎉 Join my Mar 25 GMU guest lecture on user-tailored differential privacy in the digital age!
- 2024.10: 🎉 Join my Oct 25 Virginia Tech talk on interactive gaming & intelligent agent systems for privacy & security!
- 2024.08: 🎉 I am honored to receive the AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Award Honorable Mention in security and privacy!
- 2024.07: 🎉 I am serving as an Associate Chair of ACM CHI 2025. Please submit your amazing work here!
- 2024.05: 🎉 I'm co-organizing a SOUPS workshop on revolutionizing privacy & security EdTech. Join us on Aug 11!
- 2024.02: 🎉 Join my April 18 UMD BBL talk on teenagers' implicit struggles with info tech safety & accessibility!
- 2023.07: 🎉 I am serving as an Associate Chair of ACM CHI 2024. Please submit your amazing work here!
- 2022.11: 🎉 I have been awarded the Fellowship of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation! A big thank you to my research team!
📝 Selected Publications

The Influence of Explanation Designs on User Understanding Differential Privacy and Making Data-Sharing Decision in Information Sciences, Sep. 2023.
Authors: Zikai Alex Wen, Jingyu Jia, Hongyang Yan, Yaxing Yao, Zheli Liu, Changyu Dong
Highlights: Our explanatory illustration design simplifies the understanding of differential privacy protection of numerical data. A survey of 228 people shows visual illustration outperformed text-based explanation in understanding differential privacy. Learning about privacy-enhancing technology does not necessarily increase the willingness to share data.

What.Hack: Engaging Anti-Phishing Training Through a Role-Playing Phishing Simulation Game in the proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2019.
Authors: Zikai Alex Wen, Zhiqiu Lin, Rowena Chen, Erik Andersen
Highlights: People being phished is due in part to insufficient and tiresome user training in cybersecurity. we designed the game What.Hack, which not only teaches phishing concepts but also simulates actual phishing attacks in a role-playing game to encourage the player to practice defending themselves.
Pointer: Game
📖 Full Publications
Symbol * indicates that I am the (co-)corresponding author. My current citation status is:
🎖 Awards and Grants
- 2024 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Award Honorable Mention in Security and Privacy from AMiner
- 2022 The Fellowship of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation ($80K RMB) from CPSF
- 2022 Outstanding Service Award from IEEE MMSP
- 2017 The Student Game Design Competition Runner-Up at ACM CHI
- 2014 The Andrew McGettrick Prize from University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
- 2014 The Outstanding Graduate of Beijing from Beijing Municipal Education Commission